Date 26 June 2024
Pages 112
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782080455574

Coloring Book by Thomas Pesquet

The Earth in our hands
Publisher Flammarion
Category Practical Books
GENRE Sports/Games
Need calm and focus? Let the magic of art therapy surprise you. Grab your pencils!

This adult coloring book, which taps into the current trend of art therapy, features 40 pages inspired by the remarkable photographs of astronaut Thomas Pesquet. The book provides an opportunity for individual creativity, allowing for precise replication or imaginative interpretation of the images. The chapters included are:
- Beautiful Blue
- Celestial Colours
- Nest of Clouds
- Aquatic Swirls
- Earthly Reliefs
Engaging with this coloring book can help enhance calmness and concentration, embracing the therapeutic benefits of art in a personal and unique manner.