Date 16 March 2023
Pages 123
Format cm 20 x 23
Price € 20.00
EAN 9791037508461
Publisher Website

The Anxiety Club

How to Survive Modern Life
Publisher Les Arènes
COLLECTION Bandes dessinées
SERIES Psychology Comics
Age All Ages
A work of graphic self-help for people who want to overcome their anxiety.

Anxiety is one of the most common mental afflictions: one out of six people has experienced or will experience it. Dread, insomnia, palpitations, hypochondria, agoraphobia, fear of not being loved, racing thoughts, and more—anxiety has many faces.
The World Health Organization has noted a 25% increase in anxiety's prevalence during the pandemic. A major problem is that many people believe anxiety has always been a part of them and no treatment exists: they try to soothe their inner suffering with psychotropic medications, alcohol, drugs, or binge eating.
This book takes readers through anxiety's many faces, asking how we can live with (and manage) this universal feeling.

  • Sales in France 10,000 copies
  • Rights Sold English (world)
  • As of: April 2024