Date 02 September 2016
Pages 64
Format cm 24 x 31
Price € 17.95
EAN 9782800149493
Publisher Website

The Professor's Daughter

Publisher Dupuis
Category Adults
Keywords Archeology - London - Romance - Lake - Alchemy
Age YAAdults
The adventures of a young woman and the mummy of Egyptian pharaoh Imhotep IV in the early 20th century.

Liliane, daughter of the archaeologist Bowell, feels stuck. So she embarks on a journey through the streets of early 20th-century London with Imhotep IV, the mummy of the Egyptian pharaoh pharaoh that her father preserved and brought back to life. After a fatal altercation with a policeman, they find themselves on the run, on trial, and in prison, before having to confront Imhotep's father (also a mummy!) so they can live their love freely.
This 1997 work was awarded the René Goscinny Prize and the Alph-Art coup de coeur at the Angoulême Festival.

  • Sales in France 5,000 copies
  • Rights Sold USA, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic
  • As of: February 2023