Date 31 October 2019
Pages 261
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 17.50
EAN 9782749162416
Publisher Website

Animal Solidarity

70 True Stories
Publisher Le Cherche Midi
Category Practical Books
Keywords Friendship - Androids - Elderly
Over 70 heartwarming and inspiring stories that show animals can teach us a lot about being human… and more humane.

A gorilla who saves a child, ants that never leave their wounded behind, a cat who soothes the terminally ill at death's door, cows that befriend each other, dogs who rescue their owners... Empathy, mutual aid, friendship, compassion, cooperation: until just recently, such words were only applied to humains.
Today, the idea that animals are ruled only by instinct has been debunked. Science acknowledges that they individually, according to feelings entirely their own. More often than we think, the law of the jungle isn’t might making right, but rather lending a helping hand.

  • Sales in France 22,000 copies
  • As of: May 2022