Date 11 May 2017
Pages 120
Format cm 14 x 19
Price € 12.00
EAN 9782742449385
Publisher Website

Make Way for Women!

60 Editorial Cartoons
Publisher Gallimard Loisirs
Category Art
Cartooning for Peace, an international network of over 160 editorial cartoonists, uses humor to fight for freedom and cultural respect.

Even today, women's rights are too often challenged or ignored. Élisabeth Badinter reminds us that, though there have been a few shake-ups recently, women still have a long way to go before their rights are respected. Selected by Cartooning for Peace, these 60 editorial cartoons from around the world paint a portrait of the injustices and violence women face every day, whether in education, sexuality, work, or religion.

  • Sales in France 12,000 copies
  • As of: September 2021